Sharing Everything I Love

Love Erica is my way of sharing my music, my ministry & my motivations. I desire to bring like minded people together to grow together. I can't wait for your to be a part of the Love Erica community. All for only $9.97 a month

My Music

I want to include you on my musical journey. Past performances you can't see any where else. Behind the scenes of my tour dates, the journey of creating new music. I'm excited to share all of it with you.

My Ministry

We all need a little more Jesus. I want to share my prayers for you, words that I hope can bless you and help you as you deepen you relationship with Jesus.

My Motivation

I want to share what motivates me with you, my "Ericaisms." The things that push me to be the best Wife, Mommy, Artist, First lady & Radio host that God wants me to be. God keeps pushing me to do more. Let's get there together.

My Community

The most important part of Love Erica is the community, which means YOU! We have a private community where you can connect with each other, grow with each other and see the power in each other. I'm excited to bring you together in private community.


Jane Doe

I was feeling lost and directionless in my career when I started working with [Career Coach Name]. They helped me to identify my strengths and interests, and to develop a plan to achieve my goals.

John Doe

I was struggling to find a new job after being laid off. [Career Coach Name] helped me to update my resume and interview skills, and to network with people in my field. I landed a new job within a few months.

Jane Doe

[Career Coach Name] helped me to negotiate a higher salary at my current job. They gave me the confidence and the tools I needed to negotiate effectively. I am now earning significantly more money.